What Garbage - Jax Politics as Usual


The Trail Ridge Landfill debacle is going to be a pretty popular topic here at Angry Jax, because it demonstrates in clear detail everything that's wrong with Jacksonville politics.

This is such a huge topic - and there's so much media on out there about it - that it could take you a week to read all of it. Have no fear! I'll be happy to tell you all the story (the quick version!) over the next few posts, with links to some of the more exciting news stories written on the subject. Note that almost all were written by Miss Tia Mitchell of the Florida Times-Union, who has been all over this since the beginning, and done a real good job covering this debacle.

Over the next few posts, I'll bring y'all up to speed on the history of the project, the players, and why we need to take some action here. In the end, you'll see why City Council VP Jack Webb needs to resign and why Republic Services needs to withdraw from the competitive bid process.

We're Angry, All Right


I started this blog because I was really, really fed up. Like the character "Howard Beale" from the excellent film Network, I don't want to take it anymore.

Every election season, politicians tell us how they're going to work for us and our interests. We pick the one we like and elect him or her. They go to City Hall, or the county offices, or the State House, or off to Washington, and then - surprise! They actually work for their own interests, or those of their influential friends with big wallets. We, the taxpaying voters, get the shaft.

And then, two or four years later, those same people come back, tell us everything they've done in 'our' interest, and ask for us to vote for them again. And...we do! And they go back to their offices and continue to work for their pals, not for us.

Not anymore. Well, not if we can help it! AngryJaxVoters is here primarily to talk about the lack of ethics and morals within the politics of Jacksonville, but we'll be reaching out to the State and Federal levels from time to time as well.

Get educated! Get a voice! Get ANGRY!